are court case decisions worthless?

I attended the Paul J. Hartman State and Local Tax Forum this week. It was the 30th anniversary of the Forum. I’ve attended the conference over the years multiple times. Good conference. Knowledgeable, esteemed and respected speakers (lawyers). These lawyers handle some of the top state and local tax cases and litigation around the country. They also seem to be the same lawyers that speak at ALL of the conferences, so you’ve probably heard of them or met them.

As I was sitting in one of the sessions, the panel of speakers was going back and forth talking about court cases. One of the attorneys was explaining a specific case that the tax practitioner community was looking to as having broad applicability and authority to not only the state and taxpayer involved in the case, but every taxpayer and every state. He explained the facts and issues in the case and did confirm the ruling’s final decision and applicability, etc. However, he also said he disagreed with the ruling and mentioned the dissenting opinion. He thought the reasoning in the case was incorrect and thus, the conclusion was wrong and should be challenged.

Other speakers (attorneys) on the panel mentioned how the case was precedential and should be considered authoritative and reliable for taxpayers. The first attorney still disagreed with the conclusion and seemed to infer that taxpayers should not follow the court case.

That’s when it hit me, a strange epiphany - should taxpayers follow court case rulings?

Can taxpayers follow court case rulings? Yes, the facts matter. Yes, the states involved matter. But if a taxpayer’s facts line up with the facts in a ruling, shouldn’t the taxpayer be able to follow the case’s decision? Or should every taxpayer have to determine on their own, or make another judgement call regarding whether the case was decided correctly?

When does a taxpayer get a clear roadmap?

When does a taxpayer get certainty when the path always seems to be grey?

Taxpayers and state tax practitioners deal with vague statutes and regulations. State notices, publications, letter rulings, and court case decisions are supposed to provide clarity (which they generally do), but if taxpayers can’t follow court case decisions, then what good is a court case decision?

I know, I know, court case decisions are often appealed and I am not talking about those. I’m talking about court case decisions that are final (no appeal) and appear to be settled (until the next challenge). Can taxpayers rely on those decisions?

I also know that states often change their statutes or regulations after a court case if the state disagrees with the ruling or wants to limit its applicability (let’s not even talk about retroactive legislation - which I’ve done in the past).

Every question in the state tax profession is a research question due to the number of jurisdictions, the lack of uniformity and unique client fact patterns. The search to find answers and provide certainty is a daily challenge. If taxpayers and tax practitioners can’t rely on court case decisions, then what can we rely on?

Welcome Back

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted on this blog. I got busy doing my day job and I’ve just been posting quick hits on Linkedin. I plan to start posting more on this site going forward. I hope you join me.

Recent developments in the world have made it difficult to focus on work (like normal) this week. However, we have to push through. Momentum is a curious thing. It takes effort to create and then once you have it, it seems to have a life of its own. So if you are struggling to focus, I recommend you just start doing and the momentum will hopefully build.

In regards to state tax developments, the SALT (state and local tax) world continues its normal path of non-uniformity, of complex rules, of daily developments and changes; making it difficult for businesses to comply, causing pitfalls, missteps and also making it a challenge for state tax professionals to stay up to speed. Even with the developments of AI and other tools, a consultant’s knowledge, judgment and advocacy, and most of all - creativity, can not be duplicated. I call all of that - LEVERAGE.

Over the past week and recent months, I’ve dealt with:

  • cleaning-up client historical liabilities via income tax sales tax voluntary disclosure agreements (VDAs).

  • helping clients determine where they need to file and don’t need to file returns.

  • helping clients determine if what they are selling is taxable.

  • helping clients decide if they should do a private letter ruling.

  • helping clients determine if they are eligible to use P.L. 86-272.

  • reviewing another firm’s Tennessee franchise and excise tax filings and ensuring the correct entity is filing the return, and advising whether a consolidated net worth election makes sense.

  • advising foreign companies investing in Tennessee on Tennessee credits and incentives and helping them obtain and use those credits.

  • advising foreign companies operating in the US on sales tax implications and income tax filing requirements.

Just like when I started this blog in 2009, in the days ahead, I hope to write about developments (in a non-technical manner), and provide commentary on the state tax profession, albeit, from an older and ‘much wiser’ and experienced perspective. (Yes, I’m now 50 years old and have been doing this for 28 years). Crazy stuff.

I hope you’ll join me on this journey. Your journey. Your company’s journey. Your client’s journey. The profession’s journey.

Be well.


Brian (Daily) Strahle

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

On this Memorial Day, I want to thank all the veterans, all those who have served and are currently serving in the U.S. military. Your sacrifice is not in vain and is not unnoticed.

In fact, during these unprecedented times this is when all of us could benefit from adopting a mindset of improvising, adapting and overcoming.

We should accept the situation - the fact that things are not the same and may not go back to the way they were. This may not necessarily be a bad thing in some cases. Meaning, we often don't look for a 'better way' to do something or are even open to other ways of doing something unless we are forced to. We often just keep going down the same path and doing the same things if they are working. Well, the chain is broken. Time to think of different ways. Time to think of better ways.

If you were looking for an opportunity to try something new or to try a different method of doing something - THIS IS IT!

LEVERAGE this moment. LEVERAGE this negative situation into something positive. We can't control the situation, but we can control ourselves. We can control the actions we take.

I want you to have a Happy Memorial Day and a Happy rest of 2020!

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

It Feels Like Life Has Been Cancelled = Opportunity to Change?

Good morning. It’s been almost 2 years since I wrote on this blog. Now that we are all working from home, I thought it would be good to start-up again. Perhaps therapeutic for myself and hopefully for you. Yes, I will write about state taxes, but I want to mostly talk about the new challenges we face and our fight to move forward.

Before I do, I just want to say, I hope you are doing well and are safe. I hope you aren’t reading the news 24/7 and getting stressed and depressed. I had been doing that all week this week and I can’t do it anymore. It is demotivating and paralyzing. Can’t keep that up. I normally don’t watch the news because all they do is sensationalize and spread fear on a normal, daily basis. Now that they have this virus to talk about, it’s like non-stop negativity and politics. I normally don’ trust the media or politicians and when they are the only ones talking, it’s hard to read between the lines and find the truth.

Okay. Let’s talk.

It feels like life has been cancelled. Like waking up from a bad nightmare or movie. BUT, in the wake of this crazy time, this is when life becomes real. When we find out what really matters. When we are forced to pause, to stop our regular routine and change. Change is difficult, even when it is optional. However, sometimes we will only change if we are forced to change.

Trust me, I would rather this 'thing' not be the cause of change, but we can't change that. However, as we are confined to our homes with our families, we should try to be as positive as possible (which is difficult with the news and media constant barrage). In any case, we should try to be more innovative during this time. Think of all the things you do - why have you been doing them that way? Why is that your routine? Have you ever tried doing things differently? How could you do things differently?

Despite uncertainty, life is too short to live in fear. Let's live by faith and strength. Let's do what we can. Let's respond, not react.

Peace. Be Blessed.


The following are state tax and business developments I have curated since July 3rd, and posted in the LEVERAGE SALT LinkedIn group:

Some of the items may be on the same state/issue/topic, but they are from different sources which may give you a broader perspective to help your company or client.

  1. New Jersey Closes Loophole, Increases Multi-Millionaires Rate

  2. Alabama Announces Guidance in Response to Wayfair Decision

  3. Michigan Provides Further Guidance on Impact of Federal Act

  4. Remote Sellers Will Have Wisconsin Tax Duties Beginning October 1

  5. Indiana Updates Remote Seller Guidance

  6. Indiana Explains Income Taxes on Overseas Earnings

  7. Enacted Louisiana law addresses the timing of expiring corporate income tax provisions

  8. California OTA Issues Updated Draft of Proposed Permanent Regulations on Administration and Procedures of Appeals and Petitions for Rehearing

  9. Indiana DOR Bulletin Discusses Recently Enacted Legislation, Including State Impact of IRC Sec. 965 Repatriation Provisions, GILTI, and IRC Sec. 163(j)

  10. Maine Revenue Services Explains Procedures for Filing and/or Amending Returns Given State’s Nonconformity to Recent Federal Tax Law Changes

  11. Pennsylvania: Bulletin Reflects New Law Reversing DOR’s Previous Policy by Allowing for Depreciation of 100% Bonus Property

  12. New Jersey: New Law Requires Amnesty Program with Potential Waiver of 100% Penalties and 50% Interest

  13. Massachusetts Appellate Tax Board Holds that Taxpayer is a “Manufacturer” Required to Compute its Corporate Excise Tax Liability Using Single Sales Factor Apportionment

  14. New Jersey: New Law Includes Mandatory Combined Reporting Regime, Market-Sourcing Provisions, CBT Surtax, and Responses to Some Provisions of the Federal 2017 Tax Act

  15. New York: Appellate Court Affirms Tax Appeals Tribunal Ruling Addressing Bank’s Treatment of NOLs

  16. Vermont: New Law Updates State Conformity to Internal Revenue Code; Responds to Some Provisions of the Federal 2017 Tax Act

  17. Georgia DOR Explains Exclusion for Dividends from Sources Outside the US, Including Application of IRC Sec. 965 Provisions

  18. North Carolina: New Law Modifies Sourcing Language for Receipts from Intangibles for Sales Factor Purposes

  19. Oregon DOR Issues Administrative Rule on New State Repatriation Tax Credit Pursuant to IRC Sec. 965 Repatriation Income for Tax Year 2017

  20. Connecticut Issues GILTI Guidance

  21. North Carolina Changes Intangible Property Sourcing Rules

  22. MTC Adopts Apportionment Regulation Amendments

  23. Delaware Imposes Tax on Series LLCs

  24. Utah Enacts Deferred Foreign Income Changes

  25. Florida DOR Holds that Taxpayer May Include Certain Intercompany Sales with Foreign Affiliates in its Sales Factor

  26. New Jersey Division of Taxation Explains Upcoming Amnesty Program with Potential Waiver of Penalties, Reduced Interest, and Non-Participation Penalties

  27. Alaska: New Law Requires Public Utilities to Use MTC Three-Factor Apportionment Formula for Corporate Income Tax Purposes

  28. Connecticut: New Guidance Issued on Treatment of GILTI for Corporation Business Tax Purposes

  29. Minnesota DOR Discusses How 2017 Federal Tax Act May Affect Business Tax Returns for Tax Year 2018

  30. Rhode Island DOT Comments on Some State Tax Impacts of the Federal 2017 Tax Act

  31. Utah: New Law Clarifies Previously Enacted Legislation Involving IRC Sec. 965 Deferred Foreign Income, and Revises NOL Provisions

  32. Rhode Island Adopts C Corp IRC Sec. 965 Regulations

  33. California Taxpayer Cannot Force Retailer to Seek Sales Tax Refund

  34. Minnesota Hosting SST Meeting to Discuss Wayfair

  35. Maryland Issues Wayfair Guidance

  36. Indiana Wayfair FAQ Page Talks Enforcement

  37. SST Meets to Discuss Wayfair

  38. Texas Provides Guidance on Wayfair Decision

  39. Wayfair Decision Does Not Affect Rhode Island Remote Sellers

  40. Minnesota Sets Remote Collection Date

  41. Indiana Explains Impact of Wayfair

  42. Nebraska Issues Guidance for Remote Sellers

  43. Utah Enacts Economic Nexus Law

  44. Alabama Explains Impact of Federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

  45. Michigan Issues Sales Tax Economic Nexus Guidelines

  46. MTC Adopts Two Amended Model Rules Pursuant to Section 18 Alternative Apportionment Regulatory Project

  47. Alabama DOR Issues Preliminary Guidance on Some State Impacts of the Federal 2017 Tax Act

  48. Delaware: New Law Imposes Annual Tax on State-Registered Series LLCs

  49. Michigan Appellate Court Affirms Disallowance of MBT Modified Gross Receipts Tax Base Deduction for Purchased Services

  50. Vermont Department of Taxation Issues Certain Guidance on Federal 2017 Tax Act, Specifically the Inclusion of IRC 965 Income on State Returns

  51. Arkansas DFA Says Remote Sellers Should Register and Collect Tax Pursuant to Recent US Supreme Court Decision that Overrules Quill

  52. Kentucky DOR Updates Post- Wayfair Comments; Announces October 1 Enforcement Date and Reiterates Prospective Implementation

  53. Nebraska DOR Comments on Recent US Supreme Court Decision that Overrules Quill, Including January 1, 2019 Enforcement Date and Promise of “No Retroactivity”

The above represents 'general curating' of state tax developments into one spot. If you still feel overwhelmed by the volume of state tax developments, please consider my 'custom curating' service. Meaning, clients hire LEVERAGE SALT to daily curate state tax developments relating to a specific industry, state(s), tax type and issueYou can make it as granular as you prefer. This allows you to reduce information overload, and only get the information you need to help your clients or company. This service is provided on a fixed-fee or subscription basis. Contact me at


The following are state tax and business developments I have curated since June 11th, and posted in the LEVERAGE SALT LinkedIn group:

Some of the items may be on the same state/issue/topic, but they are from different sources which may give you a broader perspective to help your company or client.

  1. High Court Will Not Review Pennsylvania NLC Carryover Decision

  2. North Carolina Budget Bill Makes Major Tax Changes, Updates Conformity

  3. Colorado Issues IRC Sec. 965 Repatriation Transition Tax Guidance

  4. Connecticut Issues Guidance on Pass-Through Entity Tax

  5. Connecticut Issues Guidance on Bonus Depreciation Changes

  6. Hawaii Enacts Sales Thresholds for Sales Tax

  7. Hawaii Updates IRC Conformity for 2018

  8. Chicago Tax on Streaming Services Upheld

  9. Virginia Enacts Biennial Budget Legislation

  10. Are High Court Tax Precedents Set in Stone After 25 Years?

  11. DON'T PANIC - Physical Presence No Longer Matters in Determining Whether A Company is Required to Collect Sales Tax

  12. North Dakota Remote Seller Thresholds Take Effect With Quill Overturn

  13. Louisiana Enacts Remote Seller Law

  14. Minnesota Offers Wayfair Guidance

  15. What will non-streamlined sales tax states do??


  17. California OTA Issues Revised Draft Proposed Permanent Regulations on Administration and Procedures of Appeals and Petitions for Rehearing

  18. Louisiana: New Law Clarifies that Certain Reductions and/or Suspensions of Tax Benefits, Credits, and Exemptions Enacted via 2015 Legislative Changes were Temporary

  19. North Carolina: New Law Updates State Conformity to IRC, Responds to Some Provisions of the Federal 2017 Tax Act, and Revises Sales Factor Sourcing Rules

  20. US Supreme Court Denies Taxpayer’s Request to Review 2017 Pennsylvania Supreme Court Ruling on NOL Carryovers

  21. Rhode Island Division of Taxation Releases Guidance on Treatment of IRC Sec. 965 Income for C Corporations, and Accompanying Proposed New Regulation

  22. Texas Appellate Court Holds that Taxpayer Provides Services Rather than “Goods” for Purposes of Calculating Deductible Costs of Goods Sold under Franchise Tax

  23. Alabama Issues IRC Sec. 965 Repatriation Income Guidance

  24. Decoupling Bill Sent to New Jersey Governor

  25. New Jersey Legislature Passes Tax Amnesty Bill

  26. Rhode Island Budget Bill Amends Personal Exemptions, Credits

  27. Connecticut Creates Deduction for Venture Capital Income

  28. Iowa Offers Wayfair Guidance

  29. Louisiana Decreases Sales Tax Rate

  30. New Jersey Legislature Passes Alternative Surtax and Decoupling Bill

  31. Massachusetts Bill Creates Family and Medical Leave Payroll Tax

  32. Remote Sellers Not Yet Required to Collect Tax From South Dakota Buyers

  33. Vermont’s Remote Seller Law Takes Effect July 1

  34. Corporate Close-Up: Colorado Latest State to Enact Market-Based Sourcing

  35. Hawaii Explains Nexus Thresholds

  36. Kentucky Provides Wayfair Guidance

  37. Rhode Island Outlines Remote Seller Registration Options

  38. Vermont Reduces Rates, Updates IRC Conformity

  39. Idaho Is Reviewing Impact of Wayfair Decision

  40. New Hampshire Responds to Wayfair Decision

  41. Pennsylvania Decouples Corporate Income Tax from Federal Bonus Depreciation

  42. NCSL says states should ensure that they are fully prepared before begin enforcing their sales tax laws on remote sellers

  43. New Jersey Enacts Tax Amnesty Bill

  44. New Jersey Enacts Surtax, Combined Reporting, and Decoupling

  45. Colorado DOR Discusses State Treatment of Foreign Earnings Subject to New Federal Transition Tax under IRC §965

  46. Hawaii: New Law Updates State Conformity to Internal Revenue Code, Responds to Some Provisions of the Federal 2017 Tax Act

  47. Illinois DOR Issues Proposed Amended and New Rules on Prior Year NOL Suspensions and Special NOL Computation Rules

  48. New York: Draft Proposed Article 9-A Franchise Tax Regulations Issued on Corporations Subject to Tax

  49. New Jersey Appellate Court Affirms that IRC Tax Attribute Reductions May Not be Reversed

  50. Alabama DOR Issues Additional Guidance on IRC Sec. 965 Transition Tax’s Impact on State Tax Returns

  51. California: FTB Explains New Policy Prohibiting Certain Ex Parte Communications Involving Alternative Apportionment Petition Hearings

  52. Rhode Island: New Law Grants State Tax Administrator Additional Authority in Light of Federal 2017 Tax Act

  53. Louisiana: New Law Includes Tax Rate Reduction and Various other Changes

  54. Rhode Island: New Law Imposes Tax on Sales of Software as a Service (SaaS)

The above represents 'general curating' of state tax developments into one spot. If you still feel overwhelmed by the volume of state tax developments, please consider my 'custom curating' service. Meaning, clients hire LEVERAGE SALT to daily curate state tax developments relating to a specific industry, state(s), tax type and issueYou can make it as granular as you prefer. This allows you to reduce information overload, and only get the information you need to help your clients or company. This service is provided on a fixed-fee or subscription basis. Contact me at