Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

On this Memorial Day, I want to thank all the veterans, all those who have served and are currently serving in the U.S. military. Your sacrifice is not in vain and is not unnoticed.

In fact, during these unprecedented times this is when all of us could benefit from adopting a mindset of improvising, adapting and overcoming.

We should accept the situation - the fact that things are not the same and may not go back to the way they were. This may not necessarily be a bad thing in some cases. Meaning, we often don't look for a 'better way' to do something or are even open to other ways of doing something unless we are forced to. We often just keep going down the same path and doing the same things if they are working. Well, the chain is broken. Time to think of different ways. Time to think of better ways.

If you were looking for an opportunity to try something new or to try a different method of doing something - THIS IS IT!

LEVERAGE this moment. LEVERAGE this negative situation into something positive. We can't control the situation, but we can control ourselves. We can control the actions we take.

I want you to have a Happy Memorial Day and a Happy rest of 2020!

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.