State Tax Planning for Related-Party Transactions

I am pleased to be co-presenting a Bloomberg BNA Webinar this week, "State Tax Planning for Related-Party Transactions." I hope you can join me to discuss:

  • Triggers which create problems and opportunities (in regards to related-party transactions)
  • Common inter-company transactions
  • 6 ways states may respond to related-party transactions (including recent developments and how to analyze, defend and plan)

Every affiliated group has related-party transactions. They are a necessity for business and legal reasons. However, the state tax impact is complex and controversial. All phases of the tax life-cycle are impacted by related-party transactions (provision, compliance, planning and controversy). The states have responded to perceived abuses with many justifiable tools. The states may or may not soon receive additional tools from the federal government. Regardless of a state's response, taxpayers must be proactive in defending legitimate expenses and be able to analyze and plan for audit assertions and adjustments.