State Tax Knowledge Update (29 items) - October 24, 2017

The following are state tax and business developments I have curated since October 16, and posted in the LEVERAGE SALT LinkedIn group:

Some of the items may be on the same state/issue/topic, but they are from different sources which may give you a broader perspective to help your company or client.

  1. Nexus New Jersey limited partner actively operating partnership

  2. Louisiana Voters Approve Tax & Transportation Amendments

  3. Pennsylvania loss carryover unconstitutional remedy percentage

  4. Tax Foundation Updates Its Problematic Wishlist for State Tax Policy

  5. The Jig Is Up: Republican Budget Resolution Finally Admits that Deficit Will Soar Under their Tax Plan

  6. The Dishonest Pitch for Trump-GOP Tax Cuts

  7. The Corporate Tax Code is in Dire Shape, But Trump-GOP Plan Would Make It Worse

  8. State Rundown 10/18: Ballot Initiative Efforts Being Finalized

  9. Inaugural Seattle Tax in the City® | Highlights and Takeaways

  10. Local Policy Digest

  11. Weak Growth in State Tax Revenue Persists in 2017

  12. States' Tax Portfolios Drive Differences in Revenue Volatility

  13. Sales Tax Rates in Major Cities, Midyear 2017

  14. 2018 State Business Tax Climate Index

  15. California FTB Expands Treatment Set Forth in Previous Notice on Water-Edge Elections for Non-electing Unitary Foreign Affiliates

  16. District of Columbia OTR Informally Comments on Market-Sourcing of Sales of Non-TPP

  17. Massachusetts DOR Issues Working Draft of Amendments to Regulation on Corporate Excise Tax Nexus

  18. Montana DOR Issues Proposed Regulations Based on New Market-Sourcing, NOL, and Financial Institution Apportionment Provisions

  19. New Jersey Tax Court Upholds CBT Assessment Issued Against Out-of-State Corporate Limited Partner on Passthrough Income Received from Real Estate Partnerships

  20. Pennsylvania Supreme Court Affirms that Fixed-Dollar Cap on NOL Carryover Deduction is Unconstitutional, But Finds that Percentage Cap is Valid

  21. Maine Revenue Services Discusses New Economic Nexus Provisions, Along with Existing Affiliate and Click-Through Nexus Provisions

  22. Comments on Proposed New Mississippi Rule Requiring Out-of-State Sellers with Substantial Economic Presence to Collect Use Tax on In-State Sales are Due October 30

  23. New York City State Appellate Court Affirms that Taxpayer is Subject to Tax in RPTT Matter

  24. Wave of Amazon HQ2 Bids Unlike Anything Experts Have Seen

  25. The State Tax Function and Emerging Technologies: Now Is the Time

  26. Airbnb to File New Hampshire Returns for Hosts

  27. MD Imposed Tax on MI Subsidiary’s Intercompany Loan Interest

  28. Out-of-State Taxpayer Liable for NM Gross Receipts Tax

  29. Remote work is still good business

The above represents 'general curating' of state tax developments into one spot. If you still feel overwhelmed by the volume of state tax developments, please consider my 'custom curating' service. Meaning, clients hire LEVERAGE SALT to daily curate state tax developments relating to a specific industry, state(s), tax type and issueYou can make it as granular as you prefer. This allows you to reduce information overload, and only get the information you need to help your clients or company. This service is provided on a fixed-fee or subscription basis. Contact me at